As a photographer, he was a member of the Full Hand Swedish group of photographers. With his special Hasselblad camera, which was provided by Victor Hasselblad himself, he took more than 35,000 images from all over the world, focusing on nature and a great diversity of ethnic groups.
Rolf Blomberg and Victor Hasselblad met in 1948 on board of the Swedish American Line ship Gripsholm. They were both passengers and soon found themselves sharing their common interest in Nature. Blomberg showed him a series of images taken in the Galapagos Islands in 1934, for his Life Magazine article. His impressive photographs managed to catch the eye of Victor Hasselblad, who asked Blomberg to take one of his cameras on his expeditions in exchange for feedback on its performance in extreme situations, such as the Amazon and the Andes. Needless is to say Blomberg was very satisfied with the use of Hasselblad equipment, which remained his brand